Book Reviews - Leadership Books

Tribes, We Need You To Lead Us,
by Seth Godwin, Do You Zoom, Inc. 2008. Reviewed by R. Anne Hull, Hull Strategies, LLC, December, 2008

There is no table of contents nor an index in this book; because there is no ‘how-to’ checklist to be a Leader. Godwin’s blog-style book pulls examples of leaders we know and many that we’ve not heard of that are changing our lives and world. I smiled as I read the analogy I have used for years (and perhaps you, too) to describe the role of the person who makes a difference. He shows us that leaders ‘just do it’ because we intensely care and have the courage to face the criticism. Do you want to change something? Really? Passionately? Then lead us. “Generous and authentic leadership will always defeat the selfish efforts of someone doing it just because she can.” Some of us need to be followers, but active ones, not “sheepwalking.” We all belong to any number of tribes (communities, organizations or groups) that share a common desire, that want to change a status quo, be connected, contribute to and be with like-minded people. This little book isn’t just about using the internet to communicate, but about commitment to do something different to make a difference. It is a thought-provoking and inspiring read.

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